Workshop and remanufacturing

We offer cost-effective repair and remanufacturing services to help you extend the useful life cycle of your alternator.

Phone: +1 (507) 625 4011
EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA Phone: +33 238 609 908
ASIA / PACIFIC Phone: +65 6250 8488
CHINA Phone: +86 591 8837 3010 
INDIA Phone: +91 806 726 4867

Strong processes and stringent quality checks return worn, end-of-life alternators to a like-new state with comparable performance. All remanufacturing is done at our facilities to ensure that exact specifications and high workmanship standards are met. Remanufactured alternators leave with a new 12-month factory warranty on all replacements parts and rewinds.

remanufacturingBy relying on our manufacturing capabilities, you are assured of a superior factory-built quality product, competitively priced with quick turnaround:

  • Genuine replacement parts made to original specifications
  • The best insulation system in the industry
  • A complete resin VPI system on all rewinds
  • Wash and blast booths
  • Two-plane dynamic rotor balancing
  • Complete testing capabilities
  • Certified ISO 9001 quality standards
  • ABS certified and ATEX licensed



Workshop services

Our factory workshops are also available to perform the following operations:

  • Bearing Replacement
  • Rotor or Stator Rewinding
  • Winding Impregnation using VPI Process
  • Painting
  • Load Testing

We offer turnkey overhaul & remanufacturing service including on-site removing, transport, and re-commissioning operations. 

Case studies :