Since they account for 65% of a production site's electricity consumption, whether in pumping, mixing, mechanical dehydration or ventilation applications, motors constitute an important source of potential savings.
Improving productivity and energy savings
Thanks to its expertise in the design and manufacture of electric motors, geared motors and variable speed drives, Nidec Leroy-Somer has developed an extensive range of solutions which can help users to reduce their production costs and to satisfy environmental concerns.
The result is striking: improving the efficiency of fixed-speed motors has already led to a reduction of around 10% in a site's electricity consumption, whereas by implementing variable speed, as early as possible, usually results in savings of more than 30% on the relevant drive system.
Solutions for potentially explosive atmospheres
The chemical industry also requires safety motors and geared motors to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres containing gas or dust. The ATEX ranges of motors and geared motors, designed and approved by European certification bodies, form part of the solutions offered by Nidec Leroy-Somer both in V.I.K. finish for operation in harsh environments and a standard construction for less severe environments.