Construction expertise
Nidec Power alternators are the choice of many industry leaders to power their constructions needs. With the ability to adapt to difficult environments, you can always count on Nide Power alternators to provide reliable prime or backup power performance.
Our alternators can be customized to your specifications or environment, no matter how tough it may be.
Standards & Certifications
Nidec Power designs power generation systems that can comply with numerous international standards (ISO, IEEE, MIL-STD, NEMA …) and meet/exceed industry standards for performance, reliability, maintainability and compactness. With each proposal, we quote specific requirements for your application needs.
In addition to their high-performance products, Nidec Power offers a comprehensive range of services to support their customers. A global network of certified Service Centers is available to provide repairs and maintenance for aviation industry products. No matter where you are in the world, there is a service center ready to take care of your needs. This extensive support network ensures that customers can rely on Leroy-Somer™ and Kato Engineering™ products and service requirements, enhancing the overall value and reliability of their solutions.
Contact Nidec Power