KB Electronics KBVF AC Drives Series
Chassis mount up to 5 HP
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KBVF AC drives provide variable speed for 3Ø AC Induction motors from 1/10 through 5 horsepower. For OEM applications, custom drives are also available for Brushless DC, PMSM, PSC, and Shaded Pole motors. They are available in 115, 208/230, and 400/460 Vac – 50/60 Hz with 1Ø and 3Ø input.

All KBVF AC Drives contain Sensorless Flux Vector Compensation with Static-Auto-Tune. This provides excellent speed regulation from zero to full load over a wide frequency range. These drives provide auto energy savings at light loads and smooth motor torque operation.

A variety of optional accessories are also available to meet the most demanding applications.

KBVF Hybrid Drive - Chassis / IP20

The KBVF Series of Adjustable Frequency Drives consist of sixteen inverter models rated for 1/10 to 5 horsepower motors. These chassis / IP20 drives are ideal for OEM applications where digital programming and displays are not required. Hybrid drives are digital drives with an analog interface.

Options: SIVFR Signal Isolator and Run Fault Relay (Standard on 460 Vac models), DIVF Modbus Serial Communication Module, Class “A” or “B” (CE) RFI Filter, DBVF Dynamic Brake Module, Multi-Speed Board.

KBVF 4G - Chassis / IP20

High-Performance Drives for PMSM Motors (OEM only)

The KBVF 4G (4th generation) drive adds high performance and robust PMSM control while keeping its simple and ready-to-use out-of-the-box interface. 

The KBVF 4GChassis / IP20 offers drive solutions for from 1/10 - 5HP in an IP20 package.

This drive is NEMA 1 and NEMA 4 packages are also available.

KBVF 4G - NEMA 4X / IP66

Hybrid AC Drives Designed and Customised for PMAC Motors (OEM only)

Our 4th Generation (4G) KBVF Hybrid AC Drives now feature IP66 enclosures suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. We’ve designed these drives to mesh well with permanent magnet AC (PMAC) motors, sometimes referred to as either brushless permanent magnet (BPM) motors or permanent magnet synchronous (PMSM) motors.

The easy-to-install KBVF 4G Hybrid AC Drives are customised to suit requirements for 1 – 3 HP PMAC motors. Since we typically pre-tune these drives for customer applications, they offer the convenience of out-of-the-box use.

Common applications for these high-performance drives include:

  • Agricultural ventilation
  • Industrial fans and exhausts
  • HVAC
  • Pumps 

KBVF Hybrid Drive – Chassis / IP20

Maximum HP  AC Line Voltage  Phase Input  Model Number  Item Number 


H x W x D (in)



 HP Amps 
 0.5  2.4  115  1  KBVF-13  9957  4.3 x 3.9 x 2.8  1
 1  4.0  115  1  KBVF-14  9977  4.3 x 4.7 x 5.0  2
 0.5  2.4  230  1  KBVF-23  9958  4.3 x 3.9 x 2.8  1
 1  4.0  230  1  KBVF-24  9978  4.3 x 4.7 x 5.0  2
 0.1  1.0  115/230  1  KBVF-21D  9581  4.3 x 3.9 x 2.0  1
 0.25  1.5  115/230  1  KBVF-22D  9572  4.3 x 3.9 x 2.8  1
 0.5  2.4  115/230  1  KBVF-23D  9959  4.3 x 3.9 x 2.8  1
 0.5  2.4  115/230  1  KBVF-23D (GFCI)  9795  4.3 x 3.9 x 2.8  1
 1  4.0  115/230  1  KBVF-24D  9979  4.3 x 4.7 x 5.0  2
 1  4.0  115/230  1  KBVF-24D (GFCI)  9796  4.3 x 4.7 x 5.0  2
 1.5  5.5  115/230  1  KBVF-26D  9496  4.3 x 4.7 x 4.5   3
 1.5  5.5  115/230  1  KBVF-26D (GFCI  9797  4.3 x 4.7 x 4.5   3
 0.5  2.4  230  3  KBVF-23P  9676  4.3 x 3.9 x 2.8  1
 1  4.0  230  3  KBVF-24P  9677  4.3 x 4.7 x 5.0  2
 2  6.7  230



 KBVF-27  9591  7.5 x 4.7 x 4.5  4
 3  9.0  230  3  KBVF-29  9593  7.5 x 4.7 x 4.5  5
 1  2.0  460  3  KBVF-42  9645  9.3 x 4.1 x 2.8  3
 3  4.6  460  3  KBVF-45  9590*  8.8 x 4.75 x 4.5  4
 5  8.3  460  3  KBVF-48  9592*  8.8 x 4.75 x 4.5  5

* The Signal Isolator and Run/Fault Relay is standard on Models KBVF-45, 48 

KBVF Accessories

Model Number  Item Number 
 SIVFR (2G) , Signal Isolator with Run/Fault Relay, installs on end of KBVF  9597
 SIVFR (3G) , Signal Isolator with Run/Fault Relay, installs on end of KBVF  9651
 DIVF Digital Interface Module, ModBus, RS485  9568**
 KBRF-250 CE Approved AC Line Filter (Class A) Item Number  9509
 KBRF-300 CE Approved AC Line Filter (Class B) Item Numbers   9484
 KBRF-350 CE Approved AC Line Filter (Class B) Item Number   9511
 DBM Dynamic Braking Module for Single Phase Input Models (2G & 3G)  9598
 KBVF-MSB (2G & 3G) (Mullti-Speed Board for KBVF, installs on end of KBVF)  9503
 Choke, 3 wire (installs between Control and AC Motor)  9992

**DIVF Digital Interface Module, ModBus, RS485 not available for 3G models


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