- Overview
Nidec is a giant in the electric motor industry, well-versed in crafting quality products that help drive packaging industry processes the world over. Our packaging industry motors provide cost-effective and reliable solutions you can depend on for excellence. Your packaging requirements include flexibility, high levels of speed, quick changeovers and decreased maintenance downtime. Nidec engineers thrive on designing just this type of packaging product to suit your requirements. We provide fully integrated solutions including both drives and motors – or you can choose one or the other if you prefer. Either way you win, thanks to the superior products we manufacture to power your processes.
OEM customers with challenging packaging applications should contact our Nidec Motion Control group which can help engineer custom solutions utilizing the breadth of the vast Nidec motor technology spectrum.
Our CONTROL TECHNIQUES™ brand excels at manufacturing packaging motor and drive solutions. Some of the benefits of using CONTROL TECHNIQUE brand products include quick changeovers, higher throughput, superior line integration and excellent safety and quality. We design innovative and reliable products you can trust to keep your packaging processes online and on time.
Back in 1950, a family-owned tool shop started producing high-quality HURST® brand motors that established a name for quality and innovation. Now part of Nidec, the world’s largest motor company, that innovative spirit and quest for delivering quality continue. Our packaging industry motors are among the best in the industry. You can depend on them to maximize efficiency while minimizing unexpected maintenance shutdowns.
The U.S. MOTORS® brand first began making its first-class electric motors back in 1908 and pioneered hollow shaft motors for the mining industry in 1922. This century-old expertise allows our engineers to craft premium products that deliver the excellence associated with both the U.S. MOTORS brand and Nidec name. We understand that packaging is a 24/7 industry and you can count on our electric motors to keep your processes running like clockwork.