Control Techniques variable speed ac drives support innovation from dynamometer manufacturers
In a world where technology is advancing rapidly, companies such as Heinrich Georg (UK) Limited, ensure that newly designed products and applications are not only tested to meet their design criteria, but also pass the durability and failure mode tests, to ensure they operate as the designers intended.
Georg UK is a subsidiary of Heinrich Georg GmbH. The origins of the German parent company were in the entrepreneurial and inventive post-war era. The Wolverhampton based engineering company is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of special purpose machines and test rigs. Georg UK and Control Techniques have worked together for over 20 years in the coil processing industry. In 2020, Georg UK decided that Control Techniques drives were the perfect mix of specialist expertise, innovative design, and had all the characteristics, features, and reliability to meet the needs of their programmable dynamometers.
What is a dynamometer?
A dynamometer is a device used for performance testing motors, engines, or other rotating equipment within a drive train. Typical characteristics measured during testing are torque, rotational speed, and power. Georg UK programmable dynamometers are classified as ‘universal’ dynamometers in that they are capable of both driving and being driven (generator/absorber) by the equipment under test.
AC drives elevate performance of dynamometers
Motors are becoming smaller and faster; Control Techniques are the singular innovator able to supply Georg UK with the drives capable of effectively controlling their advanced applications without the need for a gearbox.
Dynamometers are supplied for the proof, production, and qualification testing of prototype motors. When Georg UK are approached to design a new dynamometer solution, Control Techniques will specify the most effective drive solution for the individual project, determined by the components chosen by the skilled engineers at Georg UK.
Georg UK’s Technical Manager, Simon Jones emphasises how the motors that their dynamometers are used on are often expected to run to 30,000 rpm to achieve a full spectrum test of the client developments. The exceptional performance of the Unidrive M700 not only achieves and exceeds this potential, but it is also consolidated with the ability to output 690 V AC from a 400 V supply, possibly eliminating the need for a step-up transformer and the associated losses of space and energy; plus, the ability to use the same power and control modules to deliver a DC source, otherwise known as a battery emulator.
The reliability and proximity of our team of ‘drive obsessives’, means that Control Techniques are head and shoulders above our competitors. Our network spans the globe, but in the case of Georg UK, the local team are positioned just a 25-minute car journey away. In short, the whole package provided by Control Techniques allows Georg UK to enhance their business reputation and focus on what they specialise in: creating dynamometers. Simon explains: "Control Techniques enhance our business reputation; they give us the confidence to find a solution to any dynamometer enquiry. Every one of our dynamometers has been individual – we haven’t made two the same. Our dynamometers stand out from the competition due to their high level of control, speed, and accuracy and this, in part, can be attributed to our use of Control Techniques drives."
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Dynamometers of the future
Looking to the future, the demand for the complex solutions that Georg UK produce is growing rapidly. Dynamometers play a crucial role in the development of more environmentally friendly and renewable energy technologies, and Control Techniques will continue to support Georg UK in their future endeavours. With synergistic successes in mind, Control Techniques will persist in providing drives that exceed expectations, not only in technology, but in customer service, reliability, and precision.