Obsolete Visual Reference with links for Replacement Product Information
If you did not recognize the Control Techniques' Drive you are looking for by Name, we hope this page will help you identify it by manufacturer and product image. Once you have found your product, clicking on the image to open up a PDF document with details on your specific product upgrade path.
For fast response to inquiries, contact us with a support request:
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The following table with images provides links to Control Techniques' Product Life Cycle documents showing the replacement product. If you need product support documents for Control Techniques' Obsolete/Superseded Product use these links:
AC Drive Product Downloads | DC Drive Product Downloads | Servo Drive Product Downloads
AC Drives |
AccuSpeed |
Prism |
Laser |
Eclipse |
Horizon |
AC Eagle |
MicroVision |
Vision 1 |
Vision 2 |
Vision 3 |
AS5100 |
Eclipse |
Laser |
MX |
Patriot |
Commander CDII |
Commander CDS |
Commander CDE |
Commander CDE BS |
Commander CDI |
Commander GP |
Commander GP20 |
Commander SE |
Commander SL |
Commander SK |
Commander VCD |
Dinverter 1 |
Dinverter A |
Dinverter B |
DigitAx |
DominAx |
DynamAx |
Large Vector |
High HP CDE |
IMO Jaguar |
Spindax |
Unidrive Classic |
Unidrive SP |
Vector |
Vector (Bookshelf) |
S10 |
C10 |
CV10 |
GP10 |
VG10 |
FP5 |
GP5 |
EZ-Start |
PC10 |
VG7 |
G3/G3+ |
PC3 |
ACE10 |
ACE15 |
ACE20 |
ACE30 |
ACE40 |
DC Drives |
ES2300RG |
ES2600RG |
ES2700 |
Focus 1 |
Focus 2 |
Focus 3 |
Focus RG |
Quantum II |
Spectrum |
VIP / ES-6060 |
ES-2300RG |
Focus 2 |
VIP Series |
ES220 |
ES222 |
ES225 |
DC Spirit Plus |
DC Spirit |
Mentor I |
Mentor II size 1 |
Mentor II size 2 |
FXM5 |
Quantum II |
Quantum III size 1 |
Quantum III size 2 |
ES60 |
ES125 |
100ARG |
150ARG |
ES220 |
ES220RG |
ES222 |
ES225 |
ES300A |
ES300RG |
367 Eddy Current Controller |
1235 Eddy Current Controller |
dcM6+ |
dcM12+ |
DC400 |
Legacy Products Support
Call Toll Free +1 800.893.2321
ask for Legacy Product Support
Have your model number ready when you call.