Pumping Made Easy
Packaged Pumping Solutions
Simple, precise, reliable flow control
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Applications involving the flow of water demand extreme reliability and low energy consumption. Control Techniques offers Packaged Pump Solutions that utilize the Pump Drive F600 to deliver precise, dependable, flow control. Solutions include; Drive Free Standing (DFS) and Wall Mount Panel (WMP) configurations.

Get to revenue faster with Control Techniques' Easy to set-up Pump Solutions:

1. Guided Setup – Easy to configure

2. Intuitive User Interface options
- Touchscreen HMI with Pump specific functionality
- Multi-Language plain text keypad
- See our easy to set-up Pump HMI in action!

3. Pre-engineered Packaged Solutions
- Drive Free-Standing (DFS)
- Wall Mount Panels (WMP)

The Pump Drive F600 packs all of the features you’ll need, presented using terminology you’ll understand. This isn’t a generic drive with pump features tacked on; it’s a dedicated, specialist pump drive, designed from the ground up to deliver the reliability and efficiency you need. Everything you need is baked into the drive itself!


Pump Specific Solutions for quick easy setup of your Industrial Pump applications

Pumping Solutions


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