04 noviembre 2024Lanzamos un cambio sin precedentes en nuestro programa de garantía. A partir de ahora, nuestros clientes recibirán una garantía estándar de 5 años en todas las líneas de productos* de Nidec Drives, que incluye sus accionamientos, módulos opcionales y teclados.
23 octubre 2024
09 octubre 2024
28 agosto 2024Tras evaluar el amplio catálogo de soluciones de Control Techniques, Trinca optó por los servomotores de alto rango dinámico, Unimotor HD, y los servovariadores de alto rendimiento, Digitax, gestionados mediante los controladores de movimiento MCe y MCz.
06 agosto 2024
Delve into the cutting-edge world of HVAC efficiency through the lens of permanent magnet motors.
09 julio 2024
Como parte del compromiso de Nidec Drives con el desarrollo de variadores, el Commander S de Control Techniques ahora incluye de serie una cubierta de terminales, instalada en fábrica.
06 junio 2024As part of Nidec Drives’ continuous evolution of drive technology, their new Control Techniques SI-BACnet IP option module provides enhanced control and maximum efficiency in building automation systems, ensuring accurate and co-ordinated operation to boost occupant comfort.
31 mayo 2024The Secretary of State for Wales and Conservative candidate for Monmouthshire, David TC Davies, and Craig Williams, Conservative candidate for Montgomeryshire, have today (30th May 2024) visited the Nidec Drives UK Manufacturing Site, based in Newtown, Powys.
16 mayo 20242023 saw Nidec Drives host a series of events in celebration of their 50th anniversary. The purpose of the events was to give back to our employees, whilst also contributing to the wider community.
01 mayo 2024Control Techniques y KB Electronics se complacen en anunciar que a partir del 1 de mayo de 2024 emprenderán un proceso de potenciación de marca, pasando a ser Nidec Drives.
02 abril 2024Control Techniques introduces the SI-I/O 24 Plus, a simple yet cost-effective option module that provides a plug-in high density I/O expansion solution for its dynamic Digitax HD servo drives and high performance Unidrive range.
26 marzo 2024Georg UK decided that Control Techniques drives were the perfect mix of specialist expertise, innovative design, and had all the characteristics, features, and reliability to meet the needs of their programmable dynamometers.