Unidrive M600 AC Drive
Unidrive M600
High Performance AC Drive
0.75 kW – 2.8 MW (1.0 - 4,200 hp)
200 V / 400 V / 575 V / 690 V 
  • Overview
  • Specifications
  • Options
  • Downloads

High performance drive for open-loop control of induction, permanent-magnet, and hybrid PM motors

The M600 is the perfect choice for applications that require high performance open-loop control of induction or permanent magnet motors.

A comprehensive range of option modules are available for easy integration into all major fieldbus ecosystems and to tailor the drive to any application need.

*Obsessives included

Sensorless control for industrial processes

  Achieve maximum machine throughput with advanced motor control algorithms
Unidrive M supports sensorless control of induction, permanent-magnet, and hybrid PM motors, reducing system cost and improving robustness.
  Save energy through a wide range of features
Unidrive M has been designed to bring improved energy efficiency to all applications, delivering up to  98% efficiency, minimising losses during the conversion process.
  Reduce system costs by directly integrating with your applications
The M600 incorporates an onboard PLC which can execute Machine Control Studio (IEC61131-3) programs for logic control, sequencing, speed following and digital lock - removing the need for additional PLCs. Up to three System Integrator modules can be added for additional I/O or fieldbus communications.
  Conform to safety standards by direct safety system integration
All Unidrive M drives have integrated Safe Torque Off (STO) inputs, certified to SIL3 / PLe, providing an elegant and reliable safety solution.


High power modular drives

Unidrive M’s modular offering gives you never before seen flexibility in building compact, reliable high-power solutions. Paralleled together, Unidrive M can control asynchronous and synchronous motors up to 2.8 MW (4,200 hp). At the top of the modular drives range, the Frame 12 is a 500 kW (700 hp) single module that delivers unmatched power density, while keeping both footprint and system costs to a minimum. The Unidrive M modules can be paralleled together into a wide range of flexible solutions to solve all system needs, including Active Front End and multi-pulse rectifier configurations.

Efficient system build

Designing and building a high power drive cubicle takes immense engineering knowhow. Most people don’t have that expertise in-house, but we do. And we’ve put it all into our DFS freestanding drives. The cubicle system is designed to make the most of our high power modular drives, benefiting the applications that need them the most. The results are maximum energy efficiency in an ingress protected package. Our cubicle drives come pre-assembled, easy to set up, with all necessary system components included. Furthermore, we can ship your Freestanding drive to you with a very short lead time, saving weeks on typical industry standards.


Functional safety

All Unidrive M drives have integrated dual Safe Torque Off (STO) inputs, certified to SIL3 / PLe, providing an elegant and reliable safety solution.  The addition of an MiS210 safety option extends the built-in STO with the ability to safely monitor and/or restrict the scope of motion. 

Safety functions include: STO, SBC, SOS, SS1, SS2, SLS, SSM, SLA, SDI, SLP & SES

For maximum flexibility in the safety system architecture, the modules support both wired and network safety connections: CIP-Safety on EtherNet/IP and Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE).

To find out more, visit our Functional Safety page.




Enhanced throughput with high-performance open-loop control of induction and permanent magnet motors

  • Advanced Rotor Flux Control (RFC) algorithm gives maximum stability and control of induction and permanent magnet motors
  • 200% motor overload suitable for heavy industrial machinery applications

Reduce system costs by directly integrating with applications

  • M600 incorporates an onboard PLC which can execute Machine Control Studio (IEC61131-3) programs for logic control, sequencing, speed following and digital lock - removing the need for additional PLCs
  • Fit up to three SI modules to add safe motion, speed feedback, additional I/O and fieldbus communications



  Connect - intuitive commissioning software
Connect is our latest drive configuration tool for commissioning, optimising and monitoring drive/system performance.
machine-control-studio-icon  Machine Control Studio - programming tool
Control Techniques' Machine Control Studio provides a flexible and intuitive environment for programming new automation and motion control features.

This product comes with 5-year warranty as standard

No registration. No extra cost. Just peace of mind from day one. Learn more.

Key data

  • Heavy Duty rating: 0.75 kW – 2.8 MW (1.0 - 4,200 hp)
  • Supply phases: 3 phase


Standard features


  • Onboard PLC
  • Digital Lock Control

Onboard comms:

  • RS485

Machine safety:

  • 1 x Safe Torque Off (STO) terminal
  • SIL3/PLe compliant


  • No keypad as standard

Option slots:

  • 3

Parameter cloning via:

  • PC tools
  • Smartcard
  • SD card


Voltage ratings

200 V (200 V - 240 V ± 10%)

400 V (380 V - 480 V ± 10%)

575 V (500 V - 575 V ± 10%)

575 V (500 V - 575 V ± 10%)

690 V (500 V - 690 V ± 10%)


Control mode

Open loop vector or V/Hz induction motor control

Open loop Rotor Flux Control for induction motors (RFC-A)

Open loop permanent magnet motor control (RFC-S)
Open loop permanent magnet motor control (RFC-S)
Closed loop Rotor Flux Control for induction motors (RFC-A) *Optional
Active Front End (AFE) power quality convertor


Single drives


(H X W X D)








382 x 83 x 200 15.0 x 3.3 x 7.9 4.5 Max 9.9 Max


391 x 124 x 200 15.4 x 4.9 x 7.9 6.5 14.3


391 x 143 x 200

15.4 x 5.6 x 7.6




391 x 210 x 227 15.4 x 8.3 x 8.9 14 30.9


557 x 270 x 280 21.9 x 10.6 x 11.0 28 61.7


803 x 310 x 290 31.6 x 12.2 x 11.4 52 114.6


1108 x 310 x 290 43.6 x 12.2 x 11.4 66.5 146.6


1069 x 310 x 288 42.1 x 12.2 x 11.3 46 101.4


1069 x 310 x 288 42.1 x 12.2 x 11.3 46 101.4


1410 x 310 x 310 55.5 x 12.2 x 12.2 63 138.9
12 1750 x 295 x 526
68.9 x 11.6 x 20.7
AC to AC ('T' type): 130
DC to AC ('D' type): 113

All dimensions include mounting brackets


Modular drives








1108 x 310 x 290 43.62 x 12.21 x 11.4

9E | 9T

1069 x 310 x 290 42.1 x 12.21 x 11.4
10E | 10T 1069 x 310 x 290 42.1 x 12.21 x 11.4

11E | 11T

1242 x 310 x 312 48.9 x 12.2 x 12.3


773 x 310 x 290 30.4 x 12.2 x 11.4


773 x 310 x 290 30.4 x 12.2 x 11.4


863 x 310 x 290 34 x 12.2 x 12.3


6 pulse
355 x 310 x 290
6 pulse
13.9 x 12.2 x 11.4

11A | 11T

6 pulse
415x 310 x 290
12 pulse
415x 310 x 290

6 pulse
16.3 x 12.2 x 11.4
12 pulse
16.3 x 12.2 x 11.4

All dimensions include mounting brackets


Power and current ratings 

The continuous current ratings given are for maximum 40 °C (104 °F), 1000 m altitude and 2 kHz switching frequency. Derating is required for higher switching frequencies, ambient temperature >40 °C (104 °F) and high altitude.

200 V (200 V to 240 V ±10%)

Product Code
  Normal Duty
Heavy Duty 
Supply Phases  Max Cont. Current

Motor Power

Motor Power
Max Cont. Current

Motor Power

Motor Power

Mxxx - 03200050A  3 6.6   1.1  1.5 5 0.75 1
Mxxx - 03200066A 3  8  1.5  2 6.6 1.1 1.5
Mxxx - 03200080A 3  11  2.2  3 8 1.5
Mxxx - 03200106A  12.7  3  3 10.6 2.2  3
Mxxx - 04200137A  18  4  5 13.7 3
Mxxx - 04200185A  24  5.5  7.5 18.5 4
Mxxx - 05200250A  30  7.5  10 25 5.5 7.5 
Mxxx - 06200330A  50  11  15 33  7.5 10 
Mxxx - 06200440A  58  15  20 44  11 15 
Mxxx - 07200610A  75  18.5  25 61  15 20 
Mxxx - 07200750A  94  22  30 75  18.5 25 
Mxxx - 07200830A  117  30  40 83 22 30 
Mxxx - 08201160A  149  37  50 116  30 40 
Mxxx - 08201320A  180  45  60 132  37 50 
Mxxx - 09201760A  216  55  75 176  45 60 
Mxxx - 09202190A 3  266  75  100 219  55 75 
Mxxx - 09201760E  216  55  75 176  45 60 
Mxxx - 09202190E  266  75  100 219  55 75 
Mxxx - 10202830E  325  90  125 283  75 100 
Mxxx - 10203000E 3  360  110  150 300 90 125 

400 V (380 V to 480 V +/-10%)

Product Code
 Normal Duty Heavy Duty
Supply Phases  Max Cont. Current
 Motor Power
 Motor Power
Max Cont. Current

Motor Power

Motor Power

Mxxx - 03400025A
3 3.4 1.1 1.5 2.5 0.75 1
Mxxx - 03400031A
3 4.5 1.5 2 3.1 1.1 1.5
Mxxx - 03400045A
3 6.2 2.2 3 4.5 1,5 2
Mxxx - 03400062A
3 7.7 3 5 6.2 2.2 3
Mxxx - 03400078A
3 10.4 4 5 7.8 3 5
Mxxx - 03400100A
3 12.3 5.5 7.5 10 4 5
Mxxx - 04400150A
3 18.5 7.5 10 15 5.5 10
Mxxx - 04400172A
3 24 11 15 17.2 7.5 10
Mxxx - 05400270A
3 30 15 20 27 11 20
Mxxx - 05400300A
3 31 15 20 30 15 20
Mxxx - 06400350A
3 38 18.5 25 35 15 25
Mxxx - 06400420A
3 48 22 30 42 18.5 30
Mxxx - 06400470A
3 63 30 40 47 22 30
Mxxx - 07400660A
3 79 37 50 66 30 50
Mxxx - 07400770A
3 94 45 60 77 37 60
Mxxx - 07401000A
3 112 55 75 100 45 75 
Mxxx - 08401340A
3 155 75 100 134 55 100
Mxxx - 08401570A
3 184 90 125 157 75 125
Mxxx - 09402000A
3 221 110 150 200 90 150
Mxxx - 09402240A
3 266 132 200 224 110 150
Mxxx - 09402000E 
3 221 110 150 200 90 150 
Mxxx - 09402240E
3 266 132 200 224 110 150 
Mxxx - 10402700E
3 320 160 250 270 132 200 
Mxxx - 10403200E
3 361 200 300 320 160 250 
Mxxx - 11403770E
3 437 225 350 377 185 300 
Mxxx - 11404170E
3 487 250 400 417 200 350 
Mxxx - 11404640E
3 507 280 450 464 250 400 
Mxxx -12404800
3 608 315 500 480 250 400
Mxxx -12405660
3 660 355 550 566 315 450 
Mxxx -12406600
3 755 400 650 6602 355 550 
Mxxx -12407200
3 8651
500 700 7203 400 600

Note1 110 % Overload at 30˚C and below and No Overload above that.
Note2 140 % Overload at 35˚C and below and 125% above that.
Note3 140 % Overload at 30˚C and below and 125% above that.

575 V (500 V to 575 V +/-10%)

Product Code
 Normal Duty Heavy Duty
Supply Phases  Max Cont. Current
Motor Power

Motor Power

Max Cont. Current

Motor Power

Motor Power

Mxxx - 05500030A 
3 3.9 2.2 3 3 1.5 2
Mxxx - 05500040A
3 6.1 4 5 4 2.2 3
Mxxx - 05500069A 
3 10 5.5 7.5 6.9 4 5
Mxxx - 06500100A 
3 12 7.5 10 10 5.5 7.5
Mxxx - 06500150A 
3 17 11 15 15 7.5 10
Mxxx - 06500190A 
3 22 15 20 19 11 15
Mxxx - 06500230A 
3 27 18.5 25 23 15 20
Mxxx - 06500290A 
3 34 22 30 29 18.5 25
Mxxx - 06500350A 
3 43 30 40 35 22 30
Mxxx - 07500440A 
3 53 45 50 44 30 40
Mxxx - 07500550A 
3 73 55 60 55 37 50
Mxxx - 08500630A 
3 86 75 75 63 45 60
Mxxx - 08500860A
3 108 90 100 86 55 75
Mxxx - 09501040A
3 125 110 125 104 77 100
Mxxx - 09501310A
3 150 110 150 131 90 125
Mxxx - 09501040E
3 125 110 125 104 75 100
Mxxx - 09501310E 
3 150 110 150 131 90 125
Mxxx - 10501520E 
3 200 130 200 152 110 150
Mxxx - 10501900E
3 200 150 200 190 132 200
Mxxx - 11502000E
3 248 185 250 200 150 200
Mxxx - 11502540E
3 288 225 300 254 185 250
Mxxx - 11502850E
315 250 350 285 225 300
3 376 250 350 315
3 428 300 400 360 250 350
3 480 330 450 410
3 532 370 500 460 330

690 V (500 V to 690 V +/-10%

Product Code
Normal Duty  Heavy Duty
Supply Phases Max Cont. Current

Motor Power
Motor Power
Max Cont. Current
Motor Power
Motor Power
Mxxx - 07600190A
3 23 18.5 25 19 15 20
Mxxx - 07600240A
3 30 22 30 24 18.5 25
Mxxx - 07600290A
3 36 30 40 29 22 30
Mxxx - 07600380A 
3 46 37 50 38 30 40
Mxxx - 07600440A
3 52 45 60 44 37 50
Mxxx - 07600540A
3 73 55 75 54 45 60
Mxxx - 08600630A
3 86 75 100 63 55 75
Mxxx - 08600860A
3 108 90 125 86 75 100
Mxxx - 09601040A
3 125 110 150 104 90 125
Mxxx - 09601310A
3 150 132 175 131 110 150
Mxxx - 09601040E
3 125 110 150 104 90 125
Mxxx - 09601310E
3 155 132 175 131 110 150
Mxxx - 10601500E
3 172 160 200 150 132 175
Mxxx - 10601780E
3 197 185 250 178 160 200
Mxxx - 11602100E
3 225 200 250 210 185 250
Mxxx - 11602380E
3 275 250 300 238 200 250
3 376 355 450  315 280 400
3 428 400 500  360 355 450
3 480 450 600  410 400
3 532 500 650  460 450 600



KI-Keypad Plus
KI-Keypad Plus' large and clear colour display makes the drive status information and parameter descriptions easy to read and readily accessible. It enables easy access to key drive features for enhanced machine performance, with the helpful wizard quickly guiding the user through configuration.

Bluetooth allows remote and flexible connectivity for PC tool commissioning and programming, without needing to open the cabinet, for smarter and safer working. 10 user selectable parameters can be shown on the status screen, with real-time information, plus all parameters can be scaled and their units customised.


Remote Keypad RTC

The keypad is remote mountable, allowing flexible mounting on the outside of a panel (meets IP54/NEMA 12). Three line plain text, multi-language LCD keypad for rapid set-up and helpful diagnostics. Battery operated real-time clock allows accurate time stamping of events, aiding diagnostics
*For M700 and M702 variants the KI-485 Adaptor is also required for connection purposes.


Remote Keypad

All the features of the CI-Keypad LCD, but remote mountable. This allows flexible mounting on the outside of a panel and meets IP66 (NEMA 4)

*For M700 and M702 variants the KI-485 Adaptor is also required for connection purposes.


Plain text, multi-language LCD keypad with up to 4 lines of text for in depth parameter and data descriptions, for enhanced user experience


KI-Keypad RTC
All the features of the KI-Keypad, but with battery operated realtime clock. This allows accurate time stamping of events, aiding diagnostics

System integration modules - feedback

Quadrature encoder input interface module

SI-Universal Encoder
Encoder input and output interface supporting Quadrature, SinCos, EnDat and SSI encoders

System integration modules - communications

Connects Unidrive, Commander, Digitax and the Pump Drive families to all POWERLINK networks. SI-POWERLINK serves applications ranging from simple open-loop systems through to those demanding precise motion control. The protocol is based upon standard Ethernet and provides a solution for real-time Industrial Ethernet to satisfy the requirements of industrial automation and process control
PROFIBUS interface module
DeviceNet interface module
CANopen interface module.

External Ethernet module that supports EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP
EtherCAT interface module

PROFINET interface module

Interbus interface modules.

System integration modules - additional I/O

Extended I/O interface module to increase the number of I/O points on a drive. Provides additional: 4 x Digital I/O, 3 x Analogue inputs (default)/Digital inputs, 1 x Analogue output (default)/Digital input, 2 x Relays

SI-I/O 24 plus
The SI-I/O 24 Plus option module provides a plug in high density I/O expansion solution for Unidrive and Digitax HD. Features include:
16 x Digital Inputs (8 high speed), 8 x Digital Outputs and an Incremental Encoder Input (AB Servo).
A High Density DIN rail mounted screw terminal breakout board and cable is available to provide easy connection to the module.


System integration modules - safety

MiS210 safety option for Unidrive extends the built-in STO with motion safety capability and enables decentralised flexibility with the option of safety over ethernet connectivity.
To find out more, visit our Functional Safety page.

An intelligent, programmable module to meet the IEC 61800-5-2/ISO 13849-1 functional safety standard up to SIL3/PLe


Drive interface units - back-up

The optional Smartcard memory device can be used to back-up parameter sets, as well as copying them from one drive to another
  SD Card Adaptor
Conversion device that allows an SD card to be inserted into the Smartcard slot, for parameter cloning and application programs


Drive interface units - communications

KI-485 Adaptor
This allows the drive to communicate via RS485. This is commonly used for programming if the drive has no keypad
CT USB Comms Cable
The USB Comms cable allows the drive to connect to a PC for use with Unidrive M's PC tools*

* Also requires an adaptor.


Case Studies




Product Catalogue

Technical Documents, Software and Drawings


White Papers