You know the statistics… according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), electric motors consume more 50 percent of all electrical energy in the United States and more than 85 percent of industrial production electrical energy. Electric motors account for roughly $85 out of every $100 of a manufacturing/process plant's electrical bill.
An article written by John O’Brien titled “How Much Do Electric Motors Really Cost,” and published in the June 2009 issue of Pumps and Systems Magazine breaks down the true cost of an electric motor. One 200 hp pump motor running 6 days a week for 50 weeks a year, writes O’Brien, will cost more than $70,000 dollars at the end of one year. Interestingly enough, most end-users spend more time negotiating the initial purchase price of a motor than understanding the true cost for operating that motor. According to the DOE, the average life of an electric motor is 20 years. During the life of an electric motor the initial purchase price represents just 1 percent of the total cost of owning and operating it. The largest cost of operating an electric motor is the power cost. DOE estimates the power cost to be more than 90 percent during the electric motor's 20-year life
Nidec Motor Corporation is on the forefront of industry energy efficiency efforts. We have participated in energy efficiency policy development as it relates to electric motors. The U.S. MOTORS® brand NEMA Premium® † line of high performance commercial and industrial motors is designed and built for direct replacement of older existing motors still in use. This line helps industry reduce energy consumption and comply with recent energy efficiency regulations. NEMA Premium®† U.S. MOTORS® brand motors feature upgraded open dripproof and totally enclosed motors that meet or exceed legislative requirements.
Related Information
High Efficiency Motor Technology. appliance DESIGN, April 2015