Motor Refurbishment and Repair Services
Original OEM services provide expertise for increased uptime

Reliability and uptime are engrained in our Service DNA, and we take pride in the quality of products produced. In the event of field issues needing a deep-dive analysis, Nidec will support your needs by engaging the various functional areas of our enterprise to quickly perform the necessary reviews to address and resolve your issues. We are available to perform on-site unit analysis and/or returned to our manufacturing facility for a thorough review by our experienced team of engineers and operations personnel. We will do a thorough teardown, analysis, and develop a plan to correct any deficiencies and repair to OEM specifications ensuring an “as-new” condition upon completion. Our state-of-the-art test systems will ensure motor performance validations are performed with comparisons to testing performed when initially manufactured.

In the event that you need an expedited turn-around time to get your product back on-line, we have a global authorized service network of shops that will provide the utmost quality of repair.

Motor Repair:

Motor repairs can be provided through two options:

1. Nidec Facility

  • Offer OEM repair services for sites with spare motors or sites not needing immediate turnaround

2. Authorized EASA Shop partner

  • For end users needing a fast motor turnaround time