Listed below are the electronic versions of our manuals that may be viewed and/or printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- General Purpose Horizontal and Vertical Motors: Trilingual - English/Spanish/French (448888)
- TITAN® Large Horizontal A.C. Motors: Trilingual - English/Spanish/French (627485)
RENK Sleeve Bearing Instruction Manual Used on some Nidec Horizontal TITAN Motors
Oil Level Lubricators by Oil-Rite, LLC
- Vertical A.C. Motor High Thrust Motors: Trilingual – English/Spanish/French (835172)
- Vertical A.C. Motor Normal Thrust Motors: Trilingual – English/Spanish/French (424731)
- TITAN® High Thrust Vertical Motors with Plate Type Thrust Bearing: 9600 Frame, Types RV-5 (Solid Shaft) and RU-5 (HOLLOSHAFT) Open Dripproof, Weather Protected Types I and II (985333)
Fractional Horsepower Motors
HVACR Manuals
Pool & Spa Manual
- Affinity® Variable Speed Pool Motor and Control Installation and Maintenance Manual
- EZ-COMM™ Interface Installation Manual
- Affinity® 2-Speed Pool Motor Installation and Maintenance Manual
- NEPTUNE™ Programmable Pool Pump Motor/Control Installation and Operation Manual Model: 1.25 H
- NEPTUNE™ Programmable Pool Pump Motor/Control Installation and Operation Manual Models: 1.65 THP, 2.25 THP, and 2.7 THP
Integrated Motor and Drives
Long Term Storage Instructions